The Parker Cafe by Kay Correll

The Parker Cafe by Kay Correll

Author:Kay Correll [Correll, Kay]
Language: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 9781944761578
Publisher: Zura Lu Publishing LLC

A few days later Olivia had her back to the front door of the cafe when she heard it open. She really should just lock the darn thing. So many people checking on the progress. Couldn’t they read the sign? Grand Opening on Friday.

“Hey, there.”

She turned to see Austin, sporting a warm smile that brought out his one dimple.

“Emily said that the malt machine is up and running. Thought I’d come by and get a malt, if that’s okay. I know you aren’t officially open.”

“No, of course, that’s okay. At the very least I need to supply you with free malts for life.”

“I wouldn’t say no to that.” He grinned as he slid onto a barstool at the counter.

“What flavor would you like?”

“Emily suggested vanilla. Said it was the best vanilla ice cream I’d ever taste.”

“Vanilla it is.” She quickly and efficiently—from years of practice—made his malt.

He took one bite and nodded. “And your daughter was right. This is excellent. What’s the secret to the recipe?”

She shook her head. “Nope. Family secret. Won’t ever tell.” But the corners of her mouth twitched with a held back smile.

“Guess I’ll just have to keep coming back for more.”

“Guess you will. Hope you’re not the only customer we get.”

“Especially since I’m not paying for this?” His eyes twinkled.

“Well, that too.” She sat on the stool next to him and swiveled to face him. “So, I was wondering. Would you like to come over for dinner tomorrow night? I’ll cook. Thought you might like a home-cooked meal.” Not that her cooking skills were that great, but she still felt she owed him for all he was doing.

“I’d love that.”

“Great. About six?” She’d have to run to the store tonight and get what she needed and see what she could prepare in advance since she had a busy day at the cafe tomorrow. So much to do before the opening. But she did feel better that she was at least paying Austin back for his help and kindness, if only a little bit. And that was all it was. Returning the favor.

A delivery came, and she slid off the stool. “I’ve got to get this. Enjoy your malt, and I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Thanks. See you tomorrow.”

She led the delivery man into the kitchen, wishing she could stay and chat with Austin but knowing Evelyn would need help sorting out all the items in the delivery. She had to remember to text Emily too. Tell her about Austin coming to dinner tomorrow.

She wracked her mind for something easy but nice to fix for dinner. Nothing fabulous popped into her mind. She’d have to think of something before heading out to shop this evening.


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